Pregnancy update - Week 36 & all the aches and pains
/Welcome to the next instalment in my pregnancy journey. I'm just a few weeks away from ending my 9 month journey...this is equal parts terrifying and exciting. These progress posts are a way for me to capture these memories and to share my own personal experiences with you.
I hope you enjoy following along!
36 weeks & 6 days
A large Spanspek/Sweet Melon
My last gynae visit put my 'little' girl at the 3.2kg mark. Considering that was 2 weeks ago (and I still had a month to go at that time) I'm pretty sure she is going to be a pretty tubby baba.
My mom was able to come with me to my last scan, and it was just so special. We were able to do a mini 4D scan of her face, and all we could make our were her chubby cheeks and the sweetest button nose. My heart melted, and needless to say there were a few tears shed between both my mom and I.
My little girls seems to have 'dropped'. What I should be noticing is a little more breathing room as we has quite literally moved further down into my pelvis as she makes her way to the birthing canal.
Although my family have said to me they think she has definitely dropped, I have not noticed any more breathing room, and find I am still struggling to breath easily when sitting down. I also get all sorts of aches and pains when sitting, as there is very little room for all my organs right now.
The most incredible thing that has been happening over the past few weeks has been feeling her hiccup! It's just the sweetest thing feeling her little lungs expand and contract as she gets the hiccups.
I've still been going to Pilates, although the last class I went to last week left me feeling very frustarted as I just couldn'
I spent most of the class trying not to be too hard on myself, and just stretching. It's becoming more and more real that my body is preparing itself for pop a little baby out.
Since my last update I've been sleeping really well again. I'm lights out by about 9:30/10pm and then I wake up to go to the loo when Farmboy gets up at 4am to start his day (he has to be at milking by 4:30am which is going to be very handy when baby arrives...he can be in charge of feeding/nappy changes at that time!).
I've still been living in my H&M maternity leggings and coupled with a long strecthy Cherry Melon vest, I've been able to continue wearing my T-shirts and other long sleeve tops (although these are definitely rather stretched due to my bulging belly.
This is me and Uncle Dave (my younger brother). Dave is going to make the most wonderful Uncle to our little girl, he is so excited to meet her.
I've also really been enjoying wearing my CherryMelon dresses now that we have had a few days of warm & very Spring like weather.
I have had a wonderful past 2 weeks, with no aches or pains. I experienced really terrible upper back pain around weeks 30 - 32, but after a session with the Physio I have been pain free for the last couple of weeks.
Over the last week or so I have also been experiencing lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. At first I didn't really know that that was what was happening to my tummy, but I've since realised these practice contractions (my stomach literally gets rock hard) are my body's way of gearing up for the big day!
I had a special friend, Claire (who Farmboy and I first met on the plane ride to South Korea back in 2010) come and stay with us here on the farm. I picked her up at the airport and she treated us both to a magical afternoon at Talloula's in Botha's Hill.
Talloula has a Garden Spa and had just advertised an amazing 2 for 1 special. We had lunch and drinks on arrival, as well as both leg & back exfoliation and massages for R495. It was SUCH a treat!
After physio and the spa treatment at Taloula I was feeling fantastic. But alas, it was not to last. This past weekend I well and truly over did it on Farmboy's and my little weekend break at the coast. Farmboy and I had a wonderful long weekend away in Balito, and even managed to fit in the MamaMagic Baby Expo. I think this was the start of the end for me) and I've had swollen and puffy legs, feet and ankles and found it next to impossible to get comfortable in the car on the 2.5 hour journey back from Balito to the farm. I think my body is trying to tell me something ;)
I've also been getting a lot of strange 'pressure pains' from really low down. My girl is lying head down and so often moves around & puts A LOT of pressure onto my bladder. I've actually cried out a few times (and really scared passerby's whom I quickly assure that I'm okay and not actually about to pop a baby out right then and there). It's not so much painful as it is uncomfortable, and I'm pretty sure one if these days it's going to be a sign of my waters breaking so I better mentally prepare for that!
As with the rest of my pregnancy, I haven't really had any intense cravings or versions to things.
I have moved on from my staple lemon, honey & ginger tea and have been drinking a lot of lemon water (we have a huge lemon tree in our garden so I have been trying to make the most of the fresh fruit!).
- Sleeping on my stomach
- Being able to sit on a chair/in the car comfortably
- Not snoring! Apparently, I have developed a bit of a snoring habit (according to Farmboy...I'm not sure I believe him though!) and after doing some research, it seems like a lot of pregnant ladies start snoring through pregnancy. It's got something to do increased swelling, but the good news is if you didn't snore before being pregnant, it should go away once baby is here
- Being able to breathe easily. I have become a very heavy breather in my third trimester (thanks to baby taking up all the room in my tummy and not leaving any space for my lungs!)
Farmboy and I went to the baby expo and stocked up on lots of Pure Beginnings goodies (the wipes and body wash were hugely discounted), a Baby Throne Potty (click here to find out more about this very cool potty/toilet training seat that you can start using from about +-4months or as soon as baby can sit unsupported) and a few other bits and pieces.
My hospital bag is now just about ready (filled with snacks which I picked up this weekend).
I have also been washing and preparing all the things for baby's bag.
According to the list we got from our hospital (Mediclinic in Pietermaritzburg) we need to pack lots of clothes too. I"m sure she will spend most of her first few days in vests & swaddled in blankets, but I want to make sure I've got a few items of clothing packed just in case. These things I've packed into ziplock bags so the dirty clothes can be put back in the bags and taken home to wash.
And of course, her going home outfit is all set too!
I just can't wait to dress her and pop her in her car seat for her first ride home. We stay about 2 hours from the hospital, so she's going to have a good long time to get used to the car. Here's hoping she is easy on car trips.
Farmboy has been amazing over the past few days (jumping up from his man-cave...yup, he has one room in the house that isn't grey and rush to the bedroom & massage my swollen legs and feet.) He also did incredibly well at the baby expo, managing to stay positive and supportive of my 'must-buy-all-the-things' nesting tendencies, and helping me stay on track with regards to what is and what isn't really necessary.
We have also finalised our Doula, whom I have met with and have on speed dial. She has been so great so far, answering all my questions and just being very encouraging and supportive so far.
Here is a photo of us from a recent snow expedition we did a few weeks back to Underberg. We didn't find any snow on the ground, but we were able to see the beautiful snowcapped peaks just near Sani Pass.
Although I have had more aches and pains in the last week than I have had my entire pregnancy, I am still not wanting to wish this time away. I'm enjoying slow, late mornings of pottering around the house doing chores and enjoying long hot soaks in the bath.
I really don't have long to go now (+- 3 weeks!), and so I"m going to try and make the most of the time we have left.
Thanks for reading and following in this next chapter of my life. Click below to read more updates in my pregnancy series, as well as all my other pregnancy related posts: