#FromBlog2Biz My journey from Blogger to Business Owner: Let's start at the very beginning

#FromBlog2Biz My journey from Blogger to Business Owner: Let's start at the very beginning

Hi everyone!

In case you're new around these parts and have stumbled across this blog series, I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself.

My name is Roxy and I am the blogger, photographer, planner, crafter, maker, designer and general busy-bee behind CityGirlSearching. I am South African, but have been living in South Korea with my husband and rescue pup (Shadow, who yes, has his own # and Instagram account and FB page because that's what you do these days) for the past 3/technically 4 years.

We are about to wrap up our final contract and will be heading home to South Africa at the end of June...yippeee!

In this series #FromBlog2Biz, I am going to be sharing with you my journey from blogger to business owner. In this post (Part 1) I want to share with you my blogging journey so far (it's been a good number of years) and to set the scene for you for where I am at right now and how I have been making money from my blog and how I plan to monetize moving forward from here.

I do hope you'll join me on this journey as I share with what I've done so far, what has worked and what hasn't. It's going to be an awesome adventure so let's get started right away.


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Behind the Scenes of a Working Photographer

Behind the Scenes of a Working Photographer

Today I thought it would be fun to share some of the behind-the-scenes shots of me, and what it took to take the following photographs. You'll usually find me shouting, making funny noises, climbing over and under things and bribing my dog with all sorts of things to get the perfect shot. 

These photographs also go to show what a can be achieved with a good camera (some imagination) and editing skills. If you're interesting in knowing more about what I use to edit my photographs then let me know in the comments below.

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