Life on a Dairy Farm - An update on our new home in South Africa

Life on a Dairy Farm in South Africa Farmboy and CityGirl

As of October 1st, Farmboy and I have officially settled on the family dairy farm here in the little town of Creighton, Kwazulu-Natal (South Africa for all my overseas readers). We have officially been back home since the end of June this year, and spent the last few months roadtripping around South Africa, catching up with friends and exploring the different cities and towns while we decided where we wanted to be settle.

We are so happy to finally report that we officially part of the Creighton community (the town that Farmboy grew up in) and have just finished renovating the little farm cottage at the bottom of the garden of the main farmhouse where Farmboy's folks live. Never in my life did I think I would live so close to my in-laws, but I have to say I am one lucky lady and really struck gold with the family I married in to.

Not only are we given with a constant supply of farm fresh eggs and milk (we do live on a dairy farm after all), but the in-laws have been amazing in helping us get settled.

Dale officially started working as the assistant farm manager, alongside his Dad at the start of October, and is up for milking at 4h30am every alternative week and spends his days outdoors, working with his hands. He is in his element, and loving feeling useful again after our time spent babysitting/playing games....ahem, I mean teaching English in Korea.

Most people, after hearing how busy Farmboy is, are rather concerned with what I get up to, and how I manage to keep myself busy/sane. Well, that's something no one need worry about, I have more than enough hobbies/businesses/pets/DIY projects to keep me entertained. 

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I just launched my Brand Photography business (click here to read more about it and find out about booking me), and in between client meetings and photography sessions, you'll find me painting another piece of furniture with chalk paint, blogging, photographing my ever expanding collection of farmyard friends, snuggling with my new rescue kitten all while drinking copious amounts of tea.

Female Ginger Kitten Rescue Cat Amber The Ginger South Africa

In the next few months I'll be sharing more of our renovations (it's amazing what a few slicks of paint can do to a room) and showing you more of the surrounding farmlands so you can get more of an idea of what life on a dairy farm is really like.

In the mean time, head on over to my Facebook page to see more of the  before & after shots of my DIY projects:

And if you're wondering how Shadow, our Korean rescue pup is doing on the farm, you can follow in his adventures over on Instagram: