개 편한 세상 Dog Cafe & Dog Hotel in Gunsan South Korea
/Having a dog here in Korea means that we have had to sniff out all the local dog friendly places to spend afternoons and weekends at. This dog cafe was a wonderful find as not only can you take your pup there to socialise with other dogs, but they also offer boarding if you have to go away.
w5 000 gets you in and includes a drink so anyone can pop in to get their share of puppy cuddles even if you don't have a dog yourself. Dog owners can bring their pups to play and the entrance fee is the same (W5 000 per person). The cafe itself is on the 4th floor and has an indoor area and outdoor patio so bigger dogs can run around to their hearts content.
Here are some photographs of our visit a few months ago. Our pup, Shadow (the black and tan Jindo in the pictures below) had a ball romping around and especially loved meeting the sweet Spaniel mix, Olive. Thanks so much to Erin for showing me around the place and for bringing along Olive (who she was fostering at the time).

Indoor Cafe & Dog Boarding Facilities:

Outdoor Patio

Pet Cafe's are really popular here in Korea. Click the following links to see photographs of a Cat Cafe & a Dog Cafe that we visited in Seoul.
개 편한 세상 (which means More Comfortable World in Korea) Dog Cafe & Dog Hotel in Gunsan South Korea is home to a number os street rescue dogs thanks to the kind owner and entrepreneur Doo-Soo Jang.
Jangmi Building 4th floor, Gyeongjang-dong 466-01, Gunsan-si, Jeonbuk, South Korea
In the picture below you can see the sign for the cafe in brown with an aeroplane logo (picture on the right). To enter the premises you need to go around the building where you'll see the green sign below. Go up the stairs to the top floor.
Have you ever been to a pet cafe before? What did you think of the experience? I'd love to know your thoughts, so please do leave me a comment below!