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What is Brand Photography and why you need it to grow your business

Brand Photography: What is it and why do you need it to grow your business?

Since picking up my first fancy camera 5 years ago, I have seen first hand how much beautiful & purposeful images can really propel your brand and give it an edge that sets it apart from every body else.

This is what I want for you, fellow creative!

I want to show you how custom brand photography can really help you to grow your business.

Your brand is made up of so much more than just your logo and font choices

Your brand is how your business interacts with your clients, how those clients perceive you & your business, but more importantly, it's what distinguishes you from everyone else.

It's what sets you apart from your competitors and says to everyone else, 'Hey, I'm a pro at what I do. You shouldn't even think twice about hiring me as I love what I do and it shows through my work'.

Brand photography is the next step in your branding.

After you have your logo, your fonts and the rest of your design elements, brand photography is what puts all of that together in visual form.

Take a moment to think about all the places you use photos for your business. Chances are you use them on your website ( I must be honest and say I've never seen a good website that doesn't have any photos on it) and then there's the rest of your social media; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. 

I want you to now take a moment to think about Pinterest, which looks to be fast replacing google as a search engine, especially for creatives. It's the place I go to first when looking for inspiration for design, photography and beauty . Pinterest is ALL about visuals, and the pins that do the best and are shared and saved more are those that contain beautiful photographs or graphics.

Brand imagery includes your headshots & profile images, as well as images of the physical products you may sell.

Have a look at the following brand images I created for Sentiens, a yoga mat & lifestyle brand based in Cape Town, South Africa:

If you don't sell a physical product but you offer a service to people, brand imagery is just as important for you! Have a look at the following images I created for Storm of The Holloway Shop.

Storm is a florist and offers floral styling services...she does flowers for weddings, bouquets for special occasions and also does custom floral arrangements:

What are the ways you can use your brand photographs?

Have a look at the following two blog post graphics.

Which one are you drawn to? Which ones makes you want to click through and find out more about it? 

We are visual beings, drawn to images over text, as they help us break down and easily digest information.

Think about the last time you scrolled through your Facebook timeline. How often did you pause to read a status? I know that I pause to look at photos and memes far more often that I do long statuses. In fact, I am far more likely to read a long status from someone when it is accompanied by a really beautiful or interesting photograph, than if it was just a plan blurb of text. It's the same with blog posts. If I come across a blog post, no matter how interesting the content is, if there are no images breaking up the text I nearly always click away.

I don't want this to happen to you!

Enter Brand Photography

Instead of trying to convince you of all the reasons why brand photography is important, let me show you using....drum roll please...photographs!

Below are some of the customized images I created for Ashley Beaudin of Fire & Wind Co. 

Ashley's brand is fun, vibrant, encouraging and full of heart & soul.

I put together a wonderful team of creatives and here are some of the images I created. I did a mixture of styled stock images using foraged flowers and stationery that complemented her brand, and mixed those with outdoor lifestyle photographs.

One of the first things I did before starting work on Ashley's photos was to go through her Instagram account. I knew that she loved Instagram and spent a lot of her time there. It's also a place that a lot of her ideal clients hang out, and so it was important that the images I created for her would fit in with her current theme and that the new images would fit seamlessly. 

Then I went over to her blog and the rest of her social media posts to see the sort of content she shared. I wanted to make sure I created images that would work well for her and her brand. I then set out to create visuals with a mix of white space, and in both portrait and landscape views for both her blog and Pinterest. 

Here is what she had to say after we wrapped up the project

Roxy is a phenomenal woman and creative photographer. The brand images she created for me were so in line with my vision and instantly elevated my brand. It was like she took my heart and transformed it into imagery that captured my spirit. I am thankful for her creative eye and aesthetic. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for brand photography or visual imagery. 

If you're looking to take your brand to the next level, I would love to work with you to create beautiful images for your unique brand. Simply pop me an email here or use the contact form above to get in touch.

Here's to creating beautiful things together.


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