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Professional Headshots & why your brand needs one instead of a grainy selfie

These days, social media makes it easier than ever for you to connect with your target audience online. This means your brand is on show ALL THE TIME, and people are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing who to work with. This is why it's so important to make sure your brand makes the right impression the moment a potential client or customer comes into contact with you.

For many of us, the first time our clients see us is on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, and so these social media platforms are the perfect place to showcase your profile photo instead of your logo.

There is a lot of debate around whether businesses should use a personal photo for their profile image of  whether they should use their logo, but I believe that YOU are your business, and you are what makes your brand unique.

So why not help your audience make that personal connection with you the moment they land on your social media account or visit your website. Show them your friendly face, enticing them to choose you over everyone else.

Most brands know they need a profile photo on their websites, but end up using a grainy selfie because that's what they have on hand. I want to encourage you to hire a professional to take headshots of you that you can use not just on your website or blog, but across all your social media platforms. This all forms part of your brand, which is so much more than just your logo and the colours you choose for it.

One of the services I offer is Creative Headshots for brands, bloggers and business owners who are looking for something a little different to the generic headshot.

I aim to give my clients pretty, but professional portraits that highlight who they are, as well as what their brand offers.

Not only do I give my clients headshots, but I also work with them to create styled images showcasing their brand, so that they can use these custom brand photographs on their blogs, in social media posts and in any and all printed or online media.

I love working with creatives in any and all forms. So whether your an artist, a life coach, a blogger or a florist, it's my job to put into photographs what it is you do so that you can use professional images to strengthen your brand.

Here are some the images I've created for past clients:

Claire Keet - Sentiens Printed Yoga Mats

Storm Ross - The Holloway Shop floral designs

Natasha - Live Learn Venture travel blog

Lorryn Smit - Lorryn Smit Photography

If you're looking to update your grainy selfie and swop it for a pretty but professional portrait, then please feel free to get in touch by clicking here.